


Suturing workshops for ED

Patryk Wertka

Recently, surgical suturing workshops were organized for English division students. The aim of the workshops was to enhance the students' knowledge and skills in surgical suturing techniques, which is an essential aspect of any surgical procedure.


The workshops were conducted by experienced surgeons and medical practitioners who provided the students with hands-on training and guidance. The students were taught about different suturing techniques, including interrupted sutures, continuous sutures, and mattress sutures.


The workshops also included a theoretical component, where the students were taught about the importance of proper wound closure and the various factors that influence wound healing. The students were also given practical tips on how to handle surgical instruments and how to identify and address common complications that may arise during the suturing process.


Overall, the surgical suturing workshops provided the English division students with a valuable opportunity to learn and practice essential surgical skills in a safe and supportive environment. The students gained confidence and proficiency in suturing techniques, which will undoubtedly be beneficial for their future careers in the medical field.

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